Yoji: untuk membuat custom domain untuk blog anda.Baca penjelasan dibawah agar lebih faham...
A CNAME, or Canonical Name, record is an entry within the Domain Name System (DNS) that specifies where a user can find your web pages, or any other URL. You'll use this to associate your custom domain with your blog.
After registering your domain, decide if you want to use a particular subdomain for your blog. E.g. instead of www.mydomain.com you could use something like blog.mydomain.com, if you want. Then you'll create a corresponding CNAME record for that address, associating it with ghs.google.com. Keep in mind that changes to DNS records make take up to 48 hours to take effect.
Cname nie utk ape bro...
Yoji: untuk membuat custom domain untuk blog anda.Baca penjelasan dibawah agar lebih faham...
A CNAME, or Canonical Name, record is an entry within the Domain Name System (DNS) that specifies where a user can find your web pages, or any other URL. You'll use this to associate your custom domain with your blog.
After registering your domain, decide if you want to use a particular subdomain for your blog. E.g. instead of www.mydomain.com you could use something like blog.mydomain.com, if you want. Then you'll create a corresponding CNAME record for that address, associating it with ghs.google.com. Keep in mind that changes to DNS records make take up to 48 hours to take effect.
Catat Ulasan
Komenlah sesuka hati anda kerana tuan empunya blog ini buta hati dan buta perasaan tetapi tidak buta mata.