Blogging - What To Blog About?
Right, you want to know what to blog about?
There is another type of Blog, a personal diary style blog.It is written in the first person and relates to happenings in your immediate physical world and other thoughts and bits and pieces on things. I think that it is the hardest type of Blog to write.
I'd recommend starting with a topical blog. Even if it eventually ends up on the blog graveyard later on, its much better to develop your blogging skills on a topic as opposed to writing about yourself as an individual.
Google it
It would be a good idea to Google your topic area once you've settled on something and see what others are writing about it. Use the keyword(s) and search with "blog" on the end as well, and browse. Take hours if necessary. You'll figure out pretty quickly whether:
1. The topic has a high number of blogs or low number
2. Whether, in your opinion, there is room for your blog, in particular if you have a different point of view from others because then your blog would be unique from the others.
Catat Ulasan
Komenlah sesuka hati anda kerana tuan empunya blog ini buta hati dan buta perasaan tetapi tidak buta mata.